5 Principles to Build a Foundation for Fitness and Health

People who ask me for help with starting a fitness program might assume I'll recommend a marathon session at the gym or overwhelm them with so much information they'll need a book to digest it all. Instead, I propose five fitness and health principles that can serve as a springboard for you to go in any number of directions.

Some of the best suggestions are listed below. Because they are the bare minimum and do not cost anything, they are unfortunately the most frequently neglected.

1. Walking and stretching

Men and women exercising

The missing pieces to a healthy lifestyle and pain-free existence may lie in something as simple as walking and stretching. Taking a morning stroll in the sunshine has been shown to improve circadian rhythm regulation and vitamin D absorption. With the addition of some deep breathing while you walk, you can do more than just burn calories; you can also relieve stress.

2. Drinking more water

a man drinking water

 In addition to relieving headaches, weight gain, and muscle and joint pain, water can help you feel more alert and focused. Take a bottle of water and drink from it as you stroll. Keep up your water intake throughout the day until you've drank between half and three quarters of your body weight in ounces. A man who weighs 150 pounds should aim for a daily water intake of 75–100 ounces in order to achieve the added benefits of regular urination, normal blood pressure, and temperature control.

3. Move More + Eat Less = Calorie Deficit

healthily diet

Eat healthily even as you reduce your calorie intake. You need to eat fewer calories than you burn off in order to lose weight healthily and successfully. There are two ways to enter a state of deficit: For one week, try increasing your activity level and/or decreasing your caloric intake. One pound of weight loss per week is possible with a caloric deficit of 500 calories per day.

4. Sleep

a man sleeping

 We rely on sleep more than any other restorative method. You'll be healthier, less stressed, and more productive if you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Stress from work, family, and other daily commitments can only be alleviated with a restful night's sleep. In order to get started on your nightly routine, set an alarm. It's a helpful prompt to wind down before bed by reading, meditating, or taking a warm bath.

5. Resistance training

A men exercising

You'll need to incorporate weightlifting into your routine at some point. You can take your time before joining a gym. In fact, simple actions like walking and stretching can help you form useful routines in no time. When you have established a regular routine and laid a solid fitness foundation, you can progress to resistance training.

Muscle growth, bone strength, joint protection, balance, and a higher caloric expenditure for weight management are all benefits of resistance training, which can be attained through callisthenics, resistance bands, TRX, weight machines, and free weights. You can take your fitness to the next level, create longevity, and extend your life span by choosing one of these paths.

The foundation of any successful diet and exercise plan is dedication and persistence. Whatever method you choose for working out and eating, you should create and adhere to a schedule. A food diary can be a useful tool for maintaining self-control when you're struggling to maintain your diet regularly. You should keep a clipboard with a blank sheet of paper in the kitchen. Keep a food and drink journal and record everything you consume just before you eat or drink it. It's possible that the extra step of recording a snack on your food list will help you overcome mindless munching and bring more discipline to your day.

Your diet and exercise plan may not be sustainable if you can't stick to it consistently. Keep looking, but don't forget the basics like getting some exercise, water, and sleep. When you finally settle on an approach to fitness and health, these will serve as a rock upon which to build.

Begin with the fundamentals and get a firm grasp on them. You'll be well on your way to reaping the benefits of a healthy lifestyle if you make a point of sticking to these five fundamentals of health and fitness.

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